PMMDA news

A big welcome to our New Committee Members for 2023

A great big welcome to Chris Stafford of Engel (UK) and Karen Osborne of Mouldshop who have both joined the PMMDA Committee, these appointments give us a full team moving forward into 2023 and we are very much looking forward to the months ahead.



Celebrating 55 years of PMMDA

To celebrate 55 years of PMMDA we handed all of our lovely members a plaque, made using recycled materials (of course) to proudly display at their offices.


BIG Changes to our Committee for 2023

Todays the day of our AGM – this year there are big changes to our Committee.. I’ll post updates and tributes later but here’s the moment during the Great North run when current Chairman Richard Hird passed the baton over to incoming Chairman Dave Raine